Your Story Becomes Our History is designed for 6th-12th graders, yet parents/adults can help guide younger students through the presentation so they too understand that “journals are history” and that the perspective of children is important to record at this time. If you scroll down, you will find some sample journal guides for K-2nd, and 3rd-5th grade students.
Activity Guides: Journals are History!
History is the study of people and events in the past. To learn about life long ago, or world events, journals can tell a true story. People have written journals at times of war, disease or just during everyday life. To invite and encourage young scholars to record their daily experience at this time please refer to the following two downloadable Journals are History activity guides.

Journals Are History!
(K – 2nd Grades)
This downloadable guide will provide a journaling schedule and writing prompts for young children to write and draw in their journals on a daily basis.
Journals Are History!
(3rd – 5th Grades)
This downloadable guide will provide journal writing prompts for third through fifth graders to write and draw in their journals on a daily basis.