“Feast or Flop” is an engaging online cooking show that combines the culinary world with the treasures of the Museum of Ventura County’s archives. Each episode takes viewers on a journey through our county’s history as MVC Collections Manager Renee Tallent uncovers recipes that have been tucked away for years. Working with regional chefs, Renee attempts to recreate these dishes to see if they are a delicious Feast or a disastrous Flop.
Episode 6 – Fattigmand
Episode 6 features Renee working with Chef Luis —see how they fare testing a recipe for the Norwegian dessert Fattigmand!
Episode 4 features Renee working with Chef Luis, Owner and Chef of Mouthful Eatery in Thousand Oaks—see how they fare testing a recipe for Spanish Liver!
Episode 3 features Renee collaborating with Adam Hart, director of the Culinary Arts Program at Oxnard College. See how they fare cooking a recipe from Allen Hooker—original owner of the Ranch House in Ojai—Chicken Poached in Champagne. The recipe is from the 1960s—a time when California was beginning to understand and be exposed to wine.
Episode 2 features Renee working with Owner and Chef Luis Sanchez of Mouthful Eatery in Thousand Oaks. See how they fare testing a recipe for Avocado Soup—a 1980s recipe from a Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce cookbook. Avocados have been growing in Ventura County since the 1870s—the same decade that Ventura County split from Santa Barbara County.
From 1900 up to the 1960s Ventura County was providing 75% of the world’s lima beans. In this episode Renee collaborates with Adam Hart, director of the Culinary Arts Program at Oxnard College, where he makes a Lima Bean Loaf — a recipe from the PTA cookbook.
The Agriculture Museum will be closed Monday, January 13 – Friday, February 7, 2025 while the MVC team installs the upcoming exhibition, Enfoque: Voces Indígenas Mexicanas del Condado de Ventura!