b'MUSEUM OF VENTURA COUNTYGOALSTRATEGIC GOALS1 WHAT WE DO: lifeandbecomethegatheringplaceof Engagement :Enrichcommunity JULY 2024 TO JUNE 2029 our community, as evidenced by dynamic exhibitions, engaging educational programs, and diverse collaborations. CreatetheboldestandmostExpand and deepen connections innovative exhibition experienceswith the K-20 education communi-in the county that are reflective ofties in Ventura County. our diverse communities through a sustainable exhibitionscalendar.Expanddiversecommunity participationwiththeMuse-um,ensuringDiversity,Equity, Plan for and execute years FourInclusion,andBelongingare throughEightoftheCollectionsincorporatedintoallaspects DevelopmentPlanadoptedbyof programmatic offerings. the Board of Directors in June of 2021.Further develop, strengthen, and engage a diverse volunteer work-Craftsustainabletravelingex- force through engaging programs, hibitionsthatgeneratereve- indeptheducationalofferings, nueandreturnoninvestmentand rewarding service opportuni-through local,regional, and in- ties. ternational partnerships.'