b'MISSION, VISION, & VALUESM I S S I O N TheMuseumofVenturaCountyengagesparticipantsinmeaningful experiences with history, art, culture, and each other. V I S I O N The Museum of Ventura County aspires to spark curiosity and encourage compassion to build community and connection. VA L U E S Byupholdingourvalues,westrivetobeatrustworthyresourcefor informationaboutourpast,presentingexhibitionsandprogramsthat help us better understand our present, leading to a better future. INCLUSIVITYEMPATHYCREATIVITYInclusivity is the foundation of allRelationshipsareindispensableCreativityfuelsgrowthand our values. We stay true to ourto the work of a museum. We worktransformation.Weembrace missionbyensuringthatourtopracticeempathyinallouroutside-the-boxthinkingand museumcanbeeveryonesrelationships,withcoworkers,exploremultiplesolutions museum.Werecognizethatdonors,committeemembers,whichencouragesusallto we are not all the same and wevolunteers,stakeholders,andfind meaning and connection drawonthosedifferencestothe public, and we work to applyin our experiences. collaborativelycreateamoreempathyinallourcollecting, completeunderstandingandexhibiting, and programming. interpretation of the community we serve.INTEGRITY We value integrity and therefore BOLDNESSpracticetransparencyinallour We fearlessly engage in tellingefforts. We set institutional values all stories, including controversialandfollowthem.Wedonot anddifficultones,tellingthepromise what we cannot deliver. truth without fear of retribution.Wearehonestaboutwhatwe Wewelcomecontroversythatknow and dont know and there-allows our community to engagefore welcome feedback. in meaningful conversations .'