b'2023-2024 INTERNSHIPSMeet the 2023-2024MVC helped refine myI N T E R N S interests [.] I really believethat I owe my specialistposition to the skills I learnedwhile interning with them.AMIHAN FRANADALIBRARY & ARCHIVES 2023-2024 MUSEUM EDUCATORAMIHAN FRANADAKELLI COUSEALI PHEL2P0S23-2024MUSEUM EDUCATORCalifornia State University Channel Islands San Jose State UniversityUndergraduate Student Graduate StudentDegree Focus: Marketing Degree Focus: Library and Information ScienceDOUGLAS JOYSVINCENT ROMERO University of Denver California State University Channel IslandsUndergraduate Student Undergraduate StudentDegree Focus: History, Political Science Degree Focus: HistoryWILLIAM MCNEILSTEPHANIE ZAGER University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Los AngelesUndergraduate Student Undergraduate StudentDegree Focus: HistoryDegree Focus: History, minoring in Information andMedia LiteracyMUSEUM EDUCATORSAMIHAN FRANADASAMUEL SAM PONCE Ventura College California State University Channel IslandsUndergraduate Student Undergraduate StudentDegree Focus: Art, Education Degree Focus: Environmental ScienceCECILIA LOPEZNATHANIEL VARGASCalifornia Lutheran University Ventura CollegeUndergraduate Student Undergraduate StudentDegree Focus: Environmental Science, Degree Focus: SociologyCommunications2023-2024 INTERNSHIPS BY THE NUMBERSINTERNS SCHOOLS10 INTERNS 3 PROFICIENT IN 7 COLLEGES &4- Museum Educators UNIVERSITIES6- Library & Archives SPANISHCalifornia Lutheran University, Oxnard College, Ventura CollegeCSUCI, San Jose State University,UCLA, and University of Denver7'