b'2023-2024CELEBRATING OUR ART,COMMUNITY PROGRAMS HISTORY, AND CULTUREA YEAR TOC E L E B R A T EThe 150th Anniversary of Ventura CountyFlamenco 805s danceshighlighted the influenceof Spanish culture in In 2023, Ventura County officiallyVentura County. Mountains to Sea Jubilee, Oct 21, 2023 turned 150 years old. This was anopportunity to build communityconnection and pride in our regionsunique history as we move forwardtogether into a brighter future.MINI-GRANT PROGRAMTo support community celebration,the County of Ventura and Museum ofVentura County co-created a grantprogram that made a total of $40,000Students from New West available to individuals and localSymphonys Laby Harmony organizations. Stipends ranged fromProject performed musicwrittten in 1873.$300-$1,700 to participate in theMountains to Sea Jubilee, in pop-upexperiences across the County, and tobrand their individual programs aspart of the 150th Anniversary. $40,000 54COMMUNITY PROPOSALSGRANTS GIVEN AWARDEDMOUNTAINS TO SEA JUBILEEMemorias Tejidas wove Santa Paula, Oct 21, 2023Zapotec wool tapestries, spotlighting the Countys Featuring community organizations,Mexican indigenous groups. artists and performers, governmentagencies, and cultural artisans, thisfree family festival brought togetherthe entire county to honor theCountys anniversary.POP-UP EXPERIENCESMoorpark, Port Hueneme, Thousand Oaks,and VenturaThe Museum of Ventura County tookthe celebration on the road withTogen Daikos taiko games featuring photos and artworkperformance showcased from its collections, library, andJapanese American culturein Ventura County. archives with the community.10'