b'2023-2024 EDUCATION & ENGAGEMENT AT-A-GLANCE11,097 Nowruz (Persian New Year)Ventura, Mar 23, 2024PEOPLE SERVED Sahlala Dancers performed traditionalPersian dances and led a communitydance party at MVCs Nowruz106 celebration, honoring Ventura CountysPersian community.SCHOOL TOURS72EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSColleges, universities, communityorganizations, and K-12 schools & districts 50COMMUNITY PARTNERS29COMMUNITY PROGRAMSAND POP-UP EXPERIENCEShighlighting Ventura County art, culture, and history$61,000GIVEN TO OUR COMMUNITYthrough grants & scholarshipsA L L 5 S U P E R V I S O R I A L D I S T R I C T S S E R V E D3'