b"2023-2024 COMMUNITY PROGRAMSP R O G R A M S L I S T 2023-2024COMMUNITY PROGRAMSBY THE NUMBERSEVENTS 8,1733rd Annual Ventura County Wildflower and Weed ShowArtWalkAnnual Public Meeting of the Citrus Label SocietyHome for the HolidaysHoneybee Day COMMUNITYHumane Society of Ventura County Vaccination Clinic MEMBERSMountains to Sea JubileeNowruz (Persian New Year) REACHEDObon CelebrationPlaydate in the Garden (3 sessions)W University of California Master Gardener Open House 29Ventura County Farm Day 2023ORKSHOPS AND CAMPSPlay-Well LEGO Camps (4 sessions)Zine Making Lab COMMUNITYLECTURES, SCREENINGS, AND ROUNDTABLES PROGRAMSExhibit Spotlight Lecture: Land Use in Ventura County AND POP-UPStrong & Resilient Women of Rancho GuadalascaVentura Land Trust Lecture EXPERIENCES6 Generations, 200 Years Later highlighting Ventura CountyMVC LIBRARY, ARCHIVES, AND COLLECTIONS art, culture, and historyVentura County Chronicles: Unveiling the Archives (2 sessions)POP-UP EXPERIENCES 50Banana Festival at Port HuenemeStrathearn Ragtime RevivalThousand Oaks Civic Arts CenterVentura County Fair COMMUNITYPARTNERSZine LabVentura, Feb 2, 2024This hands-on workshoptaught community membersto use the MVC digitallibrary to craft zines -powerful, pocket-sizedpublications made fromphotos and magazineclippings that tell visuallycompelling stories. Diversity Collective enriched the Museum's resources,empowering Zine Lab participants to share their uniquestories.11"