b'2023JUNE - NOVEMBER CELEBRATING 150 YEARS OF VENTURA COUNTYTHE150 TH ANNIVERSARY OF VENTURA COUNTY2023 marked the 150th anniversary of the founding150Television RadioNewspaper Interviews5of Ventura County. With your support, we engagedAll5districtsdays of celebration segments 34articles1the community in 150 days of celebration!hosted events Online News publicity15Ventura Countyfeatures featuresVC150 Memories VC150 Kick- 9112 Off PartyFair Pop-Up Celebration Feast or Flop 930 Approx. 120Voices of1,025 Ragtime RevivalMagazineVentura County Pop-Up Celebrationfeatures836 360 4Digital JigsawBanana Festival Puzzles Pop-Up Celebration 1,786 Approx. 2,60017,110 $40,000 visitors and participants Mountains to Sea54 granted to Jubilee Family Fair community partners community partners Approx.1,950 projects fundedVC150 Online Program3,919 Mountains to Sea Jubilee Music Festival1,746Ventura County,State of the CountyThe Place We Call Home State of the521862 Thousand OaksCounty onlineExhibion Opening 237106Funding for this series of programs and events provided in part by:CO-PRESENTING PARTNERSThe Brokaw Family, Nursery, and Ranch|The Kearney Family|The Orr Family 13VC150 IN REVIEW'