b'Message from The Barbara Barnard Smith Executive Director, Elena BrokawOver a century ago, the Museum of Ventura County was founded: partly asBOARD MEMBERSan homage to the people and cultures who had shaped the community as it stood in 1913, and partially as a cabinet of curiositiesa collection of souvenirs and curios meant to evoke awe.TheMuseumofVenturaCountyhaschangedalotsinceitsinception. While we still aim to inspire wonder and curiosity in everyone we reach, our institution exists today in order to change the world. And yes, we know that sounds lofty. But we are certain that, with your help, we can nurture big changes.How do we plan on achieving our ambitious goals? Everything starts with ourbeliefthatbybringingourcollectivehistorytolight,wewillsparkWilliam Kearney, Dr. Richard Rush, Mike Sedell, Jessica Arciniega, curiosity, instill compassion, and foster connection. With every interaction we facilitate and everyChair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretarypersonwereach,weseehowtheseelementsofindividualexpressioncanleadtopositive, community-wide change.Tocatalyzeemotionsintoactions,weaimto illustrate that the world, as we know it, is not fixed.Our Vision:It has changed before, and it will change again.Inspiring vibrant communities Wewantourvisitorstoleavewithasenseby connecting the past, present, and future.ofagencyanawarenessthatthefutureisnot justsomethingthathappenstothem.InOurMission :TheMuseumofVentura everything we do, we create and shape the future. County,throughitscollections,exhibits, educationalprogramsandpublications,Al Lowe Betsy Chess David Fukutomi GabriellaThe Museum of Ventura County hopes you will in- Navarro-Busch vest in our mission and join us in creating a morecelebratesthehistory,art,andcultureof connectedfuture.AsweinviteyoutoembarkVentura County and the Channel Islands.on this journey with us, we ask not only for your patronage but for your partnership.So,weurgeyoutodelvedeeperintoourdigitalofferings,toexploreourexhibitions,andto consider how you can contribute to our shared vision of a brighter tomorrow. Whether through a donation, a membership, or simply by spreading the word, your support is instrumental in helping us realize our mission.Together, lets write the next chapter in the story of the Museum of Ventura Countya chapterJim Scanlon Julie Leslie Leavensfilled with curiosity, compassion, and connection. Tumamait-StenslieWith gratitude,Elena Brokaw The Barbara Barnard Smith Executive DirectorSarah Dr. Sevet JohnsonMcCarthy-Garcia1'